Recipe Box Uncategorized Vegetarian/Vegan

Savory Cranberry Walnut Relish

Cranberry walnut relish

Posting about Pongal, the Tamil festival of thanksgiving, reminded me of a recipe for cranberry relish that I tried out last Thanksgiving. Today I bring that post out from the purgatory known as “Drafts….”

Until recently, I never heard of this thing called cranberry relish. Not that my Thanksgivings growing up followed a traditional menu—sure, there was usually turkey, but often with a second main of tandoori chicken or biriyani. But with our turkey, we almost always had a jelly-like cranberry sauce with just two flavor notes: cranberry and sugar. I assumed that was how everyone ate their cranberries on Thanksgiving Day.

Food and the World Recipe Box South Indian cooking Vegetarian/Vegan

Pongal: The festival, the food

A picture of Pongal decorations shared by my cousin in India

This holiday weekend, in addition to remembering Atlanta’s most famous son, my family celebrated Pongal.

Both a food and a festival, Pongal is celebrated every January in the south Indian state Tamil Nadu. Very much like a South Indian Thanksgiving, Pongal (the festival) is a time when Tamils celebrate and give thanks for a bountiful harvest. The details of the celebration may vary some from place to place, but a universal hallmark of the celebration is the preparation of pongal (the food), so named for the rice and water that boil over the edge (pongu) of their cooking vessel.

Recipe Box Uncategorized Vegetarian/Vegan

Easy Oven-Fried Plantains

The last of my oven-fried plantains (We ate the rest before remembering to take a pic!)

Difficulty level: Easy

I enjoy eating fried plantains, but the frying and cleaning part? Not so much. After many botched attempts at frying them myself, I finally decided to give oven-frying a try. After reviewing a few different recipes to see whose plantains looked the tastiest, I decided to try this blogger’s technique. If you’ve never cooked with plantains before, she has helpful instructions (pics included) on how to best peel and slice them.

Recipe Box Vegetarian/Vegan

Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Rosemary and Garlic

Rosemary-garlic-sweet-potatoKarthik and I both enjoy sweet potato so much that I have not just one but two go-to recipes for mashed sweet potatoes. I first encountered this recipe on brokeass gourmet by Gabi Moskowitz, the blogger who was the real life inspiration for the ABC Family sitcom Young and Hungry. I’ve made two changes to her version to suit my tastes.